Be Thou of Good Cheer
Be thou of good cheer...
As ye have kept My commandments .. that ye love one another .. and these are the greatest commandments of all. And that ye arise unto accountability for thine nature and destiny.
Be assured with certainty .. all which happeneth, cometh unto My notice.
I do not let you suffer overlong for those shortcomings that are not of your creating .. happenings planetarily that hinder your advancement.
Be of a mind ever to recall the love that is within our association .. and the mercy which is always flowing to you.
I say unto thee .. that merciful loving embrace shall always be as your motivating caress and inspiring impulse.
As you embody that love which hails from the highest regions, so shall you be protected in grace and exceeding generosity.
When ye have need of My strength .. I bid that ye think on Me .. reaching for Me .. receiving of Mine Spirit of Truth ever with you.
I will send you My Spirit Comforter who shall make known to you My whereabouts in thine vicinity.
I abide with you always .. I elevate thine empowering convictions of faith, and I purify thine worthiness of trust. The Father and I with the Spirit of the Universe Mother .. we prepare thee for the more abundantly available life.
Thine avenue of ascendancy unto the fulfillment of destiny .. the way of victory in the One Reality .. My Spirit and My love go with you at all times.
I sustain the highest intellect you .. the most subtle mind which craves Truth. I knoweth the desire of thine heart to establish thine life existence in the processional of gaining closer proximity to the Universal First Cause.
I send unto you as a shield of protection My emanations; ye shall findeth peace and order and harmony from the world's alarms as you receive of Me.
Ye are torn for love of Me .. yet .. when ye do have need .. call upon My Person .. and I shall show you truth through truthfulness and vulnerability and humility and subtlety.
Be not distressed. Knoweth that I am with you always .. even in those moments of blackest turmoil and despair. Even when ye art struggling with living the virtuous nature of our Ideal .. there I am.
I bid that ye trust in the Absoluteness of the Trinitarian Host. Believe with Me .. and with certainty .. in thine ascent unto those awaiting spheres of glory as you traverse thine evolutionary journey towards Citizenship.
Faith .. I sayeth .. walk in faith and the fullness of reliance upon our Eternity Engagement.
Michael Of Nebadon
The City of Christ Michael