Concentrations of thine Deliverance
As you enlarge thine meanings and ennoble thine character .. so shall ye advance unto the new status of the faithful ones of Urantia.
Unless ye advance in these ways of truest authority in the Father .. ye shall not knoweth the peace that maketh light unto thine heart.
My children of Urantia .. I adjure you to lighten thy load by the presence of thine concentrations .. unburden thine intellect by the obedience of thine finer character nature .. findeth thine constancy by your decisionary will .. let thine cooperative tendencies mature thine Substance unto Light.
Ever shall I guide you to suffer not thy heart to lead thee from the eternal values and the everlasting priorities of turning godward. Permit thine nature personal to touch upon the luminous virtues of the unchanging glory of God .. open thy voice to speak truthfully the pronouncements of reality .. suffer not thy mind to harken unto blasphemies .. and open thy soul to the advancements of divine affections.
Be thou of the Stillness which envelops all living creatures .. for I sayeth, be still in thy Spirit Identity as ye listen to the utterings of the Silent One.
Allow thyself to growth upwards in soul proceedings.. in the Vesture of Immortality .. and by the very Voice of Understanding. I maketh thee unto divinity alchemists who throb to rejoice in the law of eternity .. and who conceive not in mind those ephemeral mischiefs which bring about delays and diversions from the purity of the avenues of ascendancy.
Michael Of Nebadon