Everpresent Life Everlasting Life Everpotent Life
Life is God the Unchangeable Parenthood.
Life is indescribably glorious, mysterious, unfathomable...
Life is Cause .. overflowing love, merciful compassion, and ten thousand qualities while being beyond every quality.
Life is God the Father within you. All circumstances and events and activities which change .. these are effects .. the derivatives of Life according to how you have honored Life.
The effects bring your suffering. The effects bring about difficulty and division until you have mastered your effects by the righteousness of your character, the reverence of your countenance, the receptacle of your consciousness...
Life is God. Life is Eternity. Life hath an always unfolding purpose of expanding and extending and expressing and experiencing.
Become Cause .. and you become Life. And as you have raised thyself unto Cause and Life, so shall you devour all struggles and strife. So shall you be dissolving all disheartening separations as you become the Self-directive Governor of your personal world of effects.
Be not exteriorized, separated, asleep to thine own Self in the world of appearances and effects; for ye shall arise to walk with Me in Wholeness, and Wholehearted Praise and Adoration of the One Unimaginable Personhood of Infinity .. and of Life.
Be Cause. Be Life. Be the Effervescence of Love .. capacity driven to discover Life .. Eternity .. Universality .. Infinity.
Be thou of Cause, and happiness is felt .. harmony is delivered .. peace shall protect and provide and prosper thee.
Michael Of Nebadon