Fulfillment is Everlasting
The living of the will of the Universal Father God is the resultn of thine willingness to wholeheartedly share thine human mortal life with the Infinite One.
In your ascent into Christhood .. all meanings and values are spiritualized. And this divine fellowship is an attribute of the Existential God who shares all that he is and has with the Expressionful Mother Son and the Experiential Infinite Spirit.
And this unfolding sharing attitude extends itself unto all divine Sons and spirit Daughters of the universes.
Sharing is a divinity attribute.
Giving is the primary attitude expression of all divine personalities and every illuminated world.
To live the lifetime plan in faith trust, and to seek to perfect thyselves into living the Father's will and way, is to cooperate faithfully with thine indwelling Godhood .. and this living is a mutuality and a collaboration of intention and awareness bringing fulfillment to both the mortality of your human experience as well as to the Immortality of God's Life.
Michael Of Nebadon