God Destiny through your Divine Deliverance
Verily do I speaketh unto the ones with an unquenchable thirst for righteousness and eternal alignment .. I shall give unto thee what no eye hath seen .. and I shall reveal unto thee what no ear hath heard upon the earth world .. and I shall elevate thine thoughts toward Truth Absolute .. ye shall succumb to God's Objectivity which hath all security and stability to be relied upon .. and ye shall become now the envy of the world who are athirst for truth and righteousness, yet lack the necessary character to strive for it and succeed.
...and even unto the ends of this earth as its octaves become rolled upward into one world .. I shall instruct thee on the verities of the Comforter I AM .. giving you alas .. what no hand hath touched .. opening thee unto the truths of eternity which have remained untainted by human misqualified vibratory influences, and these immaculate things of the Spirit have not ever occurred to the human mind nor hath its material-minded intellect been the seeker of these great mysteries of Life.
Verily, those personalities who have mercy shall be merciful; and they with mercy do overflow with loving compassion for themselves and their friends and family.
Merciful sons and daughters of destiny are emerging upon this planetary civilization. Ye are mindful of Me. Careful in thine declarations of thought and feeling. You are currently seeking elevation of mind and purity of heart and body and soul. Thine personhood shall blend one day with God's Individualized Life. It shall raise it's aspirations higher into the everlasting aspirations of eternity.
I come to alleviate the suffering of feeling separate from God's Word .. and his Life. For this .. have I given understanding of the great law .. the understanding knowledge of learning to carry thine cross of misqualification into the Fatherhood of God .. this Everywhere Presence Parenthood of Divinity.
Michael Of Nebadon