Holy Comforter
The bestowal of My Spirit of Truth provides for the everlasting expansion and endless growth of the religion which I live and the gospel which I proclaim.
My spirit guides into all truth; My Comforter Consciousness is the teacher of an expanding and always-growing religion of endless progress and divine unfolding.
This new teacher will be forever unfolding to the truth-seeking believer that which is so divinely folded up in My Everlasting Persona and Eternal Nature.
My 21st Century Bestowal Mission is the Proclamation which initiates the Advent Of Ascendancy for Planet Earth. A Seventh Epochal Religious Spirituality to enter into the New and Ascendant Order of Humanity with God the Sevenfold.
This Planetary Mission comes with the Love and Power and Wisdom of God the Sevenfold in order to return the earth to its proper course of evolutionary progression.
Michael Of Nebadon