In the Glory of Astuteness
Mine children who art vulnerable with the feelings of perfect Grace .. vigilant within their own thoughts of Absoluteness...
Whoever hath ears, let him hear. And whosoever hath eyes to see and a mind developed with the spirit of the vestments let them gain My Christ Vision.
There is a living presence .. a light everlasting.. within each personhood .. and this light desires to shine and express and evolve and eternalize you.
Be thou attending to your renunciations of falsehood and fears .. gather up thine strengths of character to become decidedly wholesome and wholehearted in the Kingdom of My Father.
Allow thine indwelling light to come forth and have his way with you through all the Eternity.
Thine light is Life Eternal which shall have his dominion over all things.
And as ye permit thine God Life .. thine Light .. to have Her way .. She shall establish her Sovereignty and Strength.
Thine personality field of consciousness shall become of His Order and Harmony.
A living happiness shall come forth and conquer all sadness and depression...
The world of your ephemeral effects which surround thee shall become of this Order and Harmony .. and the whole civilization shall become alighted and quickened in knowingly honoring the Great Knower.
I say unto you who are possessed with the finer urges of ascendancy .. let thine wholeness of mind shine forth and take root unto our Trinitarian Values and the Mother's Virtues.
Light up the whole world with truthfulness .. and let the apparent llusions of the darkness become devoured by your Light and God Life.
He and she who will not permit their God Light to shine forth are living in darkness. They doeth the works of ignorance, and they cause in themselves indigestion and intoxication from their rebelliousness.
Be as My disciples of victory who have decided to destroy the darkness with the Father's loving command. Relinquish thine need to control and misidentify.
Then he and she who demand their freedom in God's Life shall become this freedom in Spirit and in Truth.
...for the Father's Kingdom hath a benevolence beyond the dried up stones of the world.
He brightens up all lights into their fuller potencies .. he restores dignity and divinity to all thine drives and inclinations .. he delivers thee in body mind and will unto his Absolute Objectivity and Awareness of Himself as the One Guiding Principle of all lives.
God the Father who lives with thee desires to share eternally his Life with you. And this sharing and blending together shall raise thee into thine Second Birth of Cosmic Immortality.
In the Fullness of Mercy
Christ Michael Of Nebadon