Life Adjusters and Human Will
The Adjuster (Individualized Spirit Life) is not trying to control your thinking, as such, but rather to spiritualize it, to eternalize it.
Neither angels nor Adjusters are devoted directly to influencing human thought; that is your exclusive personality prerogative.
The Adjusters are dedicated to improving, modifying, adjusting, and co-ordinating your thinking processes; but more especially and specifically they are devoted to the work of building up spiritual counterparts of your careers, morontia (soul) transcripts of your true advancing selves, for survival purposes.
Adjusters work in the spheres of the higher levels of the human mind, unceasingly seeking to produce morontia duplicates of every concept of the mortal intellect.
There are, therefore, two realities which impinge upon, and are centered in, the human mind circuits: one, a mortal self evolved from the original plans of the Life Carriers, the other, an immortal entity from the high spheres of Divinington, an indwelling gift from God. But the mortal self is also a personal self; it has personality.
Michael Of Nebadon
Urantia Revelations