Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Bestowal Mission
Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince Inauguration
Urantia Planetary Prince Isles of Light and Life establishing worldwide
The bestowal of the Spirit of Truth provides for the everlasting expansion and endless growth of the religion which I live and the gospel which I proclaim.
My spirit guides into all truth; My Comforter Consciousness is the teacher of an expanding and always-growing religion of endless progress and divine unfolding.
This new teacher will be forever unfolding to the truth-seeking believer that which is so divinely folded up in My Everlasting Persona and Eternal Nature.
Worldwide Congregation and Conclaves - Guidance of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael - Planetary Communion with Christ Michael of Nebadon and the Universe Mother Spirit in their Universe Administration
An Everlasting Covenant of Personal Partnership - Planetary Fellowship - Eternal Association - Saviorship of Progressive Evolutionary Ascendancy - Universe Engagement - Eternalizing Fulfillment - Cosmic Citizenship
Islands of Living Truth - Holy Comforter Planetary Cities of Light and Life - Worldwide Communities of the New School of the Planetary Prince - University of Salvington - Trinity Raising Influence
Faith Hope Charity Beauty Truth Goodness Tenacity Trust Truthfulness Transparency Tenderness Temerity
Ennoblement Desire - Everlasting Impulse - Eternalizing Promise - Infinity Influence
City - Chats - Charity - Conclaves - Campus - Colleges - Conferences - Communities - Congregations -Communions - Planetary Fund - Charity Foundation - University Press
Planetary Fellowship with Like-minded People
Digital Private Campus Accessible from Everywhere
Worldwide Communities & Stimulating Groups
College of Character Preparatory
Wisdom Colleges
Trinity Retreats
Study Halls of Illumination
Collegiality amongst Sincere Students and Collaboration of Learning Together
Spirit Retreats &
Transformational Conclaves
At Home Campus Amphitheatrum
Private and Public Bilingual Conferences
University Quality Lectures with Translation into Spanish and French
Supportive Online Classrooms and Activities
Schools of Trinitarian Ordination and Service
Write to us at our Office of Admissions
Christ Michael's 21st Century
Bestowal Mission