Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Communion
I say unto you .. truth brings happiness and happiness is the result of truth.
The gospel of the kingdom is to be identified with no particular race, culture, or language. Witness today in your humble reception of Me the great effort of the spirit to liberate my religious approach from its inherited fetters of tradition.
I demonstrate the pouring out of My Spirit upon all flesh, and as my 21st century apostles .. you shall understand that no such revealed religion can spread to all the world when it makes the serious mistake of becoming permeated with some national culture or associated with established racial, social, organizational, or economic practices.
My Truth Bestowal upon the plains of mortal planetary living is free from all sacred environments. The bestowal of the Spirit of Truth is independent of all forms, ceremonies, sacred places, and special behavior by those who receive the fullness of its manifestation.
When my spirit comes upon those assembled in the "upper chamber" of the higher centers of their personal consciousness and in active communion with Me .. you shall be simply sitting there .. engaged in your silent prayerful intimacy praiseful worshipful adorational communion with the Father Son and Spirit.
My Truth Spirit is bestowed in the country as well as in the city. It is not now necessary for my apostles to go apart to a lonely place for years of solitary meditation in order to receive the spirit.
For all time, my Holy Comforter disassociates the idea of spiritual experience from the notion of especially favorable environments.
Liberation and magnification of my teachings.
Communion with the Spirit of Truth, with its spiritual endowment, is designed forever to loose my religion from all dependence upon your attempts at mental control and physical force; the teachers of this new religion are now equipped with spiritual weaponry by faith conviction and personal spiritual relations with Me.
Verily, ye art to go out to conquer the world with unfailing forgiveness, matchless good will, and abounding love. Ye are equipped to overcome all evil with good .. to vanquish hate by love .. to destroy fear with a courageous and living faith in truth.
I have been teaching you that my religion is never passive but it is a religious relation of reciprocal receptivity; always are my disciples to be active and positive in their ministry of mercy and in their manifestations of love.
No longer do believers look upon the Lord as far and distant and removed from creation.. They now regard the eternal Deity as God and Father of all .. one who is imminently near and even indwelling.
Ye shall make this progress in some great measure .. necessary to grasp the truth that God is also the spiritual Father of every individual .. the giver of life .. the destination of all .. and the progressively attainable destiny of each individual's evolutionary journey.
The secret of a better civilization.
My Holy Comforter and its 21st Century gospel which I give at this time endows mortal human life with the power to forgive personal injuries, to keep sweet in the midst of the gravest injustice, to remain unmoved in the face of appalling danger, and to challenge the evils of hate and anger by the fearless acts of love and forbearance and accountability.
Your planetary sphere .. its civilization .. has passed through the ravages of great and destructive wars in its history. All participants in these terrible struggles met with defeat. Yet, there is but one victor; there is only one who comes out of these embittered struggles with an enhanced reputation .. and that is our association together through My Universal Persona. And the living gospel of overcoming evil with good by the gradual governance of your creative nature and divine indwelling Identity.
The secret of a better civilization is bound up in My teachings regarding the brotherhood and sisterhood of all human life .. and all the precious kingdoms of this One Life .. the universal apostleship that stands untouched by all adversities .. and the good will of love and mutual trust that is gained as you enter into the Father’s Kingdom with Me.
Christ Michael