Mine Gospel Declarations unto Thee
When you leave behind thine immaturity and thine inner psychological things that shall not follow you into truth and ennoblement .. then shall you know peace, progression, purpose, purity, and prosperity.
He and she who sincerely desire freedom from all the unnecessary constraints of the world .. and who desire to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens .. they shall enter it with their wholehearted choices and decisions .. their upheld character and constitution.
You who would follow after me from this time on, must be willing to pay the price of wholehearted dedication to the doing of my Father’s will.
If you would be my disciples, you must be willing to forsake father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters.
If any one of you would now be my disciple, you must be willing to give up even your life just as the Son of Man is offering up his universal life by coming amongst you for a time; for the ongoing completion of my earthly mission, so shall I showeth thee the Way of God Authority, the Truth of Personal Authorship, and the Life of Progressive Ascendancy into Light and life.
The doing of the Father’s will on earth and in the flesh shall require the all of everything from you.
If you are not willing to pay the full price, you can hardly be my disciple. Before you go further, you should each sit down and count the cost of being my disciple.
Which one of you would undertake to build a new home upon the land which you've recently purchased without first sitting down to count up the cost to see whether you had money enough to complete it?
If you fail thus to reckon the cost, after you have laid the foundation, you may discover that you are unable to finish that which you have begun, and therefore will all your neighbors mock you, saying, ‘Behold, this man .. this woman .. hath begun to build but was unable to finish their work.'
Again, what business person, when they prepare to enter their chosen marketplace does not first sit down and take counsel as to whether they will be able, even with ten thousand workers, to meet the demands of his choice .. to confront his chosen marketplace because she or he is unprepared is an act of foolishness and immaturity; for they shall bow out of their aspirations realizing their shortcomings and inadequacies.
Now, then, must each of you sit down and count the cost of being my disciple. From now on you will not be able to follow after us, listening to the teaching and beholding the works; you will be required to face bitter inner and outer persecutions and confrontations .. as you bear witness for this gospel in the face of crushing disappointments and overwhelming odds of success.
If you are unwilling to renounce all that you are .. and to dedicate all that you have .. then are you unworthy to be my disciple.
If you have already conquered thyself within your own heart, if you have deliberately decided to confront and reveal your falseness and lesser nature .. then ye shall have no need for doubt and fear .. you need have no fear of that outward victory which you must presently gain when the Son of Man comes to thwart all the falsehood in thee .. when you feel hopelessly guilty for thine errors .. and when you believe yourself to be one who is rejected and criticized and destabilized in every way.
Now should you examine yourself to find out your motive for being my disciple. If you seek honor and glory, if you are worldly minded, you are like the salt when it has lost its savor.
And when that which is valued for its saltiness has lost its savor, wherewith shall it be seasoned? Such a person is useless as a disciple; they are fit only to be cast out amongst the worldly minded who have not the will nor the character and courage to face themselves and to elevate all things for me.
Now that I have warned you to turn back to your homes in peace if you are not willing to drink with me the cup of dying to the little selfhood .. of the uprising of your inner rebelliousness which is a natural occurrence .. a normal attribute of the eternalizing of thyselves unto the infinite light with me.
Again and again during the 1st century and presently today have I told you that my kingdom is not of this world, and only now at this juncture of the 21st century are you more capable and open to hear .. more willing to understand and believe .. in my faith gospel of everlasting truth and individual liberty.
He who hath the ears to hear let him hear mine gospel instruction .. she who hath the eyes of faith and love for God shall see and perceive what I sayeth unto thee mine children.
Michael Of Nebadon