Mine Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter
Oh Mine children of the Planetary Evolution...
All believers upon receiving My Comforter Presence shall feel our Fellowship.
Ye shall know that I am with you, and experience our eternal relationship. No longer will you feel abandoned and isolated and alone as you receive Me.
Thine life in the garment of flesh shall become suddenly translated into all faith and every trust as you receive Me .. and all hope shall begin to fill thine belly .. a compassionate charity of the heart will emerge and raise your character into trusting the goodness of the universes.
Another world of the soul .. more exalted and dignified .. shall emerge .. a renewal of the mind and the strength of righteousness shall mature in My apostles .. a refreshment of thine soulful impulses shall gradually saturate thine daily experience.
A new existence of joyful decisions about how to approach thine life will open you upwards .. and a power of the exploration of Truth shall overtake thee .. as this exhilarating glory and an inner arena of ascendancy unfolds.
These are yet some of the validations of our Eternity Word Engagement as you receive of My Spirit of Truth, and as you follow wholeheartedly in the words and ways of My Life.
I do tell thee with all the love of My Universal Heart .. the Kingdom of Heaven is the Immaculate Conception of God's Life. It shall emerge in those individuals who allow themselves to experience our association .. and who are willing to daily deliver all opposing currents to the Father.
My Spirit surrounding thee hath a power and an everlasting purity to wash away all unnecessary conditions in the human consciousness.
Be thou .. in and of Mine Universal Comforter Engagement...
Christ Michael Of Nebadon