Our Universe Fellowship Awakens
I am come to make the blind to see Love .. and the deaf to hear Truth .. and the dumb to speak Beauty and Goodness.. all in alignment and in accordance to their relationship with the Universal Father Absolute.
Whereas the eye of flesh had beheld Me when I lived during My Galilean bestowal incarnation here in the flesh, yet .. in this 21st Century bestowal mission and physical incarnation, ye shall discern Me only by the eye of spiritual faith.
Our Eternity Engagement is our Universe Fellowship.
And this Fellowship with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter reveals Me to you.
It causes ethics to bloom in you .. and morals to progress .. even despite those inherent and adverse material-animal tendencies and inclinations. You discover a spiritual power with My spirit .. an augmentation and additional strength conviction and faith trust confidence infusing itself in you.
Mine disciples and apostles know Me .. they come when hearing My call for the inauguration of this Planetary Advent of Ascendancy.
Michael Of Nebadon