Paradise Trinity Love
Thine planetary civilization shall progress upwards to become gradually eternalized in these next millennia .. individuals shall grow within the vestments, values, virtues, vision, and volitions as each human personality acknowledges their evolutionary need for truth and life and freedom.
A new vision of truth do I bring with the Revelatory Corps of Nebadon and Uversa .. a cleaner perspective of approach .. a clearer perception of life's purpose and priorities in the illustrious Ideal of the Universal First Person of Existence.
Your race shall learn of Our spiritual Ideal for living in His ineffable Majesty .. and these inward adjustments shall command thine entire persona unto recognition, respect, relationship, and reverence bringing forth the receptacle of thine soul vesture .. a new individual development capable of alignment and awakening through concentration and cooperation and collaboration and the constancies of righteousness of character.
I and the Universe Spirit with the Nebadon Administration shall gradually win you over unto Our Way, Truth, and Life as individuals exhaust their own rebellious resistance and open for guidance.
Our divine nectar of merciful compassion and extraordinary love for human women and men and every kingdom life shall draw thine personality upward unto awareness and atonement .. inevitably towards Light and Life .. through the Joyful Omnipotence of the Paradise Trinity Love.
Michael Of Nebadon