Rescuscitate and Renew
My 21st Century gospel is in itself a new standard of moral values .. a risen motivating impulse to achieve a more cosmic personality mind and immortal soul in alignment with truth .. an ethical yardstick of universal proportions wherewith to measure human conduct in relationship with the immaculate nature and character of the Persons of Deity.
My revealed gospel ideal of the progressive ascendancy of the entire personality soul raises humanity by presenting a higher purpose and an eternally-rich achievement .. an everlasting reason and righteous urge for living your life of flesh and mortality. It is the originating understanding for my teachings intended for the Advent of Christendom.
This living ideal brings a resultant new order of human society beyond all divisiveness and the growing delirium which is as a plague advancing in the hearts and minds and personality character of the race at this time.
Michael of Nebadon