What are Salvington Colleges?

Our University has no central physical campus but it has a virtual online campus which is made up of 12 colleges, halls, and retreats which are its schools spread across the City of Michael center and beyond.
These colleges are at the heart of Salvington’s reputation as the preeminent educational institution of the Universe of Nebadon. The University and its colleges make it a very special place to study.
Every student belongs to a college as well as being a member of the University. This means all Salvington students have the benefits of belonging to both a large, universe-class university and to a small and friendly academic community.
Colleges provide a safe and supportive environment so you can focus on your studies, enjoy time with friends and make the most of all the opportunities on offer. Undergraduates ‘live and play’ in one or more of the colleges, participating in the college hall, retreat, and it’s activities. The campus of Salvington is an accommodation in their first years as a freshman fellow, and usually lasts throughout their studies at Salvington while some people ‘live and participate and play’ at Salvington for the duration of their lifetime.
Students mix freely across colleges and you are welcome to have friends from other colleges by inviting them to chat in our virtual study halls and retreats, and even some college events. Inter-college activities can be a way to meet people from other colleges. You will also meet other people not at your college but in your participation at University-wide events. If you come here, you are likely to spend lots of time in your college, particularly in your first years.
University Of Salvington is the oldest and wealthiest educational institution in the Universe of Nebadon .. our Universal Home.
University Of Salvington collegiate culture is built upon amplifying in you the eternal light of God, the devotion to expand your love of the Triune Source, and to prepare the individual for eternal life in the Kingdom of Universal Citizenship.
Our Universe Father Son Michael is anchoring this vision into the global civilization at this time so that all who desire wholeheartedly to do the will of the Universal Spirit, and who are willing to grow and mature into this living personal relationship with the Infinite Persons of Paradise and their living endowments for humanity, may have the wholehearted opportunity to learn the way of the heavens, and to advance their universe career.
The University Of Salvington is the first ever planetary extension of the University of Salvington which is headquartered upon the homeworld of the Universe Father Son Michael. It’s growing branches upon this planetary world are a part of the Living Vine of the University Of Salvington and its Colleges within our local universe.

Currently, this educational fellowship and planetary communion with Christ Michael is being offered to humanity with affordable tuition fees and contributions. Participation in the inception phase of this White Lily League University is accepting applications year-round.
Here is your invitation to apply to enter into the great halls of learning.
After studying the public preaching of the Universe Father Son Michael for a minimum of one year in the City of Michael, you may apply to the University Of Salvington to become a member and enter as a Freshman Fellow into the foremost institution for the advancement of your universe career into Cosmic Citizenship and Universal Immortality.
The College learning experience of the University is the bedrock of the educational fellowship experience at Salvington.
In each trimester term, you will experience a combination of academic tutorials as students within your college come together with practical classes, private studies with a focus on the Salvington Ideal of the Arc Of Ascendancy, intensive individual attention in our tutorials, the opportunities to be discussing your evolving ideas on the suggested text readings with your peers in classes, gaining a concentrated attention in applying the daily disciplines as given to the University by the Universe Father Son Michael.
In Salvington University, our unique colleges offer a deeper experience of the University Lectures given by Christ Michael, suggested textbook readings, daily Salvington Ideal disciplines and strategies for growing intimacy with the Infinity of God the Father Son and Spirit, and twice each month, the individual colleges experience Christ Michael in his private dialogues for your transfigurative inquiry.
Tutorials, classes, and studies are as given by the college administrators of each college, and are interchangeably shared amongst all the colleges. This helps to supplement and complement your ascendancy work, so you have access to the shared experiences of the whole University as well as those revelations within your college.
Application to be admitted into the University requires writing to our Admissions Office. Our acceptance policies look for certain characteristics in applying students.
If you are seeking to become a candidate beginning as a Freshman Fellow of the University, our primary culture fosters for the individual a deeply held faithful trusting relationship with the Universal Absolute Parenthood of God — the Trinity Host as their Personality Circuits of Intelligence reach outward into and throughout creation.

The philosophical precepts and the ideal of the Universe Son Michael and the Universe Spirit build the personality into a unified force wherein divinity and personality are blended and intertwined in one drive and one singular motivation — the fulfilling of the law and the living of God’s will and intent.
A righteousness of character in terms of priorities and purpose develops, an understanding of the plan and the way of the Second Source as it is revealed through the Universe Son Michael is illuminated and clarified for the individual personality.
A preparation is given to individuals so that each may attain to their own Second Birth into this Universal Light and Life — Universal Citizenship — is the immortal initiation that all evolutionary personalities must achieve as they go forth into the advancing spheres .. the worlds of light and life in our universe.
We welcome all inquiries, and every possibility is afforded those who qualify for advancing their universe career through the divine disciplines of our apostleship with the Universe Son Michael and the Universe Spirit with the Host of Heaven.
The Living Fragment of God the Father is within each moral and ethical creature.
This Life of God is further developed and advanced as the individual pursues righteousness of character decisions and the rectitude of carrying their mortal limitations and human life into the Parenthood of God and the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Universes.
Applications for the University of Salvington are received year-round.
Our Admissions Team evaluates applicants for the Apostleship of Ascendancy based upon certain criteria regarding the Trinitarian Values which each individual embodies.
Trinitarian Values within the mind and heart and personality of the applicant allows an easier integration within the collegiate culture and community of the University.
The University Of Salvington, the twelve colleges with their individual halls and retreat activities may include some of the following:
Lectures with the Universe Father Son Michael
Practical Applications and Guidance in Prayerful Intimacy
Tutorials of Instruction on the Writings of Michael
Studies in the Great Writings throughout the Centuries
Dialogues with your Student Fellows and Colleagues
Services of Adorational Worship and Communion Ascendancy
Classes and Forums of Enhancements & Engagements Of Eternity
Our campus and it’s university-wide communion and chat gives you the opportunity to advance with divine instruction and intensification.
Michael enters spontaneously and often daily into the university chat, and all students are invited to participate and ask questions.
Our twelve colleges each hold their own monthly activities of ascendancy at their campus retreat with the Universe Mother Spirit and her Planetary Host Administration.

All University students are welcome.
a. On the day of the particular God Flame of your College .. you are focusing as a group together.
b. Focus your attention and energies upon the particular God Qualities and Divine Attributes and Personality Attitudes of the Salvington Retreat of your College with the Universe Mother Spirit and her Planetary Ascendant Administration of Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Elohim, as well as with the Space Federation of the Galaxies.
The College Trinity Retreat God Flame Activities are a dynamic support and on-going fellowship which accelerates consciousness and refines the individual character.
Our trinity retreats of ascendancy are a safe space to bring forward your unique experience of the Life of the Universal Absolute.
The University Of Salvington is a White Lily League School of the Americas. It is a global educational fellowship and universe communion with the Trinity Persons of Infinity. It is an awakening and an expansion of the kingdom of consciousness of the Universal Parenthood of God.
Salvington University fosters the individual emergence of the personality soul which grows all wisdom, illumination, and ascendancy in preparations for the second birth into light and life.
It is a dedicated way for every individual personality who desires to accelerate the unfoldment of their own Godhood into the second birth of immortality and eternal life through the spirit attainment of their graduation into a more cosmic and universal experience of citizenship.
The apostleship of ascendancy at University of Salvington is conducted with the Universe Mother Spirit, the Universe Father Son Christ Michael, and the Universal Father individualized Life in you.
The education of the University Of Salvington unfolds for the individual an accelerated transformation through the precepts of the Universe Creator Son Michael Of Nebadon.
Enter Salvington University as an apostle of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Christ Michael.
Practice daily your Prayerful Intimacy and worshipful communion with the Infinite Persons of Trinity Origin and their Infinite Intelligence Circuits in order to wash away all obstructions in achieving a more fruitful experience with God who is your own individualized God Life.
These are the divine teachings of Christ Michael Of Nebadon who has come and taken upon himself a 21st Century bestowal to reach humanity.
The precepts regarding Prayerful Intimacy with the kingdom of heaven must begin with, and be centered in, the dual concept of the truth of the Parenthood of God and the correlated fact of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of humankind.
The acceptance of such a teaching will liberate human beings from the age-long bondage of animal fear and the more primitive development of mechanical and material mind.
At the same time, Michael’s teaching will enrich human living with the following endowments of the new life of spiritual liberty:
1. The possession of new courage and augmented spiritual power. The gospel of the kingdom is designed to set man free and inspire him to dare to hope for eternal life.
2. The 21st century gospel carries a message of new confidence and true consolation for all women and men.
3. It is in itself a new standard of moral and eternal values, foundational virtues corresponding directly with the Infinite Mother Spirit. A new purpose is transposed upon the renewed mind of the individual, an up reaching character and ethical yardstick grows and develops wherewith to measure human conduct. It portrays the ideal of a resultant new order of human society, and a new and high ascendant order for human beings to arise into.
4. It teaches the pre-eminence of the spiritual and eternal compared with the material; it glorifies spiritual realities and exalts those superhuman ideals which carry men and women upwards towards personal ongoing communion and spiritual relations with the Infinite Intelligence.
5. This new gospel holds up the living Ideal of the immanency of God, the accessibility of his divine circuits of intelligence and power, and it unleashes the supreme adventure of spiritual attainment as the true goal of living. Human life receives a new endowment of moral value, eternal virtuous living, and divine dignity.
6. Michael teaches that eternal realities are the result (reward) of righteous earthly striving and the alignment of atonement with God who is the Life of every individual. Humankind’s mortal sojourn on earth acquires new meanings consequent upon the recognition of a noble destiny.
7. The new 21st century gospel affirms that human salvation is the revelation of a far-reaching divine purpose to be fulfilled and realized in the future destiny of the endless service of the salvaged sons of God.

University Of Salvington makes accessible these values and divine virtues in the individual personality ascent towards understanding the vision of eternity, the verities of the Universe Father Son Michael, and the ultimate victory of becoming birthed once again through the Hand of the Infinite.
Learn daily to experience a personal religious contact and connection, a purity of purpose, and a profoundly authentic .. genuine .. empowering .. relationship with the Universal Spirit of Life and Love.
Join together daily, weekly, and monthly with other individuals through our campus and amphitheatrum. The unique educational structure of the University Of Salvington and it’s Colleges offer small group and one on one collegiate connections with other students while learning to become awakened, sovereign, and living in greater God mastery.
Apply to become a candidate of the University Of Salvington by writing to our Admissions Office.
Office of Admissions
University Of Salvington